3D Bioplotter Research Papers

Displaying all papers by B. Yang (2 results)

A 3D-Bioprinted Functional Module Based on Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Bioink for Periodontal Regeneration

Advanced Science 2023 Volume 10, Issue 5, Article 2205041

Poor fiber orientation and mismatched bone–ligament interface fusion have plagued the regeneration of periodontal defects by cell-based scaffolds. A 3D bioprinted biomimetic periodontal module is designed with high architectural integrity using a methacrylate gelatin/decellularized extracellular matrix (GelMA/dECM) cell-laden bioink. The module presents favorable mechanical properties and orientation guidance by high-precision topographical cues and provides a biochemical environment conducive to regulating encapsulated cell behavior. The dECM features robust immunomodulatory activity, reducing the release of proinflammatory factors by M1 macrophages and decreasing local inflammation in Sprague Dawley rats. In a clinically relevant critical-size periodontal defect model, the bioprinted module significantly enhances the…

4D printed orbital stent for the treatment of enophthalmic invagination

Biomaterials 2022 Volume 291, Article 121886

Currently, the implants used for enophthalmic invagination have the disadvantages of precise filling difficulty, weak filling ability, large surgical wounds, and lack of CT development. Here, a CT-developable orbital stent was manufactured via 4D printing of a shape memory polyurethane composite for enophthalmos treatment. The composite was endowed with good CT development properties via incorporation of gold nanoparticles and nano-hydroxyapatite. Based on the bionic idea and CT reconstruction technique, a 4D printed orbital stent with a bionic honeycomb pore structure and an outer contour matching the orbital coloboma was designed to support the orbital tissue more accurately and stably. CT…